Friends and Flags 2000 - 2001
English For Ever School - Santa Branca - Brazil

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Friends and Flag
An Internet Award Winning Project

by Karen Eini

Friends and Flags is a wonderful, Interned Award Winning Project designed by the fabulous coordinator Karen Eini.

Our first circle in the year 2000 was formed by Australia, Hong Kong, Denmark, Israel and Japan.

Our second circle - 2001- was formed by Belarus, Israel, Canada, the USA and Romania.

This is a great project to have your students involved with enthusiasm where we have the chance to learn more not only about our partners countries but also about our own!


Our Friends and Flags Exhibition

Our two day esxhibition started with a coreography made by our students. Each girl represented one country that we exchanged packages with.



Students and Moms
Parents participated our 2 day exhibiton and
were very much amazed with the F&F Project.


Friends and Flags 2000

We received four great packages from our partners, unfortunately we didnīt receive the package from Japan, maybe due to post offices problems.

Besides learning a lot about our own country and our partner countries, we all had a lot of fun preparing our booklets, collages, patches for the quilt and collecting items to be sent to our far away friends.

This is what our quilt patch looked like, ready to be sent to our partners.
It was designed by Maria Luiza, a wonderful girl and very artistic.


students preparing collages.jpg

Friends and Flags 2001

This year our circle was at first formed by Israel, Belarus, Nigeria, Romania and Denmark. When it was time to start e-mailing each other telling packages were ready to be sent we got no replies from Nigeria, Denmark and Romania. Karen rearranged our circle and fortunaly another partner from Romania was found, and instead of sending packages to Nigeria and Denmark we sent them to the USA and Canada.

Another semester of learning and fun here at English For Ever School, pictures do tell more than words sometimes!


orange group 1.jpg

This is the group who prepared the package to our Israeli partners

starter b

Girls who prepared the package to our partners in Canada


Click below to visit Friends and Flags Official Site
